Excel Formula Reference: Mutual Funds

Excel Price Feed provides current market data for a large range of Mutual Funds across many different providers and countries.

The sections below correspond to the sections on the Yahoo Finance website so you can quickly find the relevant Excel formula.

Live Price

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas Mutual Funds Live Price

All of these formulas require just a ticker, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.Price("VFIAX")

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.Price Current mid price.
EPF.Yahoo.DayChange Change in price today.
EPF.Yahoo.DayChangePercent Percentage change in price today.


Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) Summary

All of these formulas require just an ETF ticker, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.PrevClose("VOO")

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.PrevClose Previous market close price.
EPF.Yahoo.YTDReturn YTD Return.
EPF.Yahoo.FundExpenseRatio Expense Ratio.
EPF.Yahoo.FundCategory Fund category and focus.
For example "Large Blend":
A large fund with a blend of investments.
EPF.Yahoo.MorningstarOverallRating Morningstar overall rating.
EPF.Yahoo.MorningstarRiskRating Morningstar risk rating.
EPF.Yahoo.FundTotalAssets Total Assets.
EPF.Yahoo.MutualFundYield Mutual Fund Yield.
EPF.Yahoo.FundInception Inception Date.

Fund Overview

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) Fund Overview

All of these formulas require just a ticker, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.FundCategory("VOO")

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.FundCategory Fund category and focus.
For example "Large Blend":
A large fund with a blend of investments.
EPF.Yahoo.FundTotalAssets Total Assets.
EPF.Yahoo.YTDReturn YTD Daily Total Return.
EPF.Yahoo.MutualFundYield Yield.
EPF.Yahoo.MorningstarOverallRating Morningstar rating.
EPF.Yahoo.FundInception Inception Date.

Overall Portfolio Composition

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) Overall Portfolio Composition

All these formulas require just a ticker, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.Holdings.Cash("VFIAX")

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.Holdings.Cash Cash (%).
EPF.Yahoo.Holdings.Stock Stock (%).
EPF.Yahoo.Holdings.Bond Bonds (%).
EPF.Yahoo.Holdings.Other Other (%).
EPF.Yahoo.Holdings.Preferred Preferreds (%).
EPF.Yahoo.Holdings.Convertible Convertibles (%).

Sector Weightings

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) Sector Weightings

All these formulas require just a ticker, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.SectorWeightings.BasicMaterials("VFIAX")

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.SectorWeightings.BasicMaterials Basic Materials (%).
EPF.Yahoo.SectorWeightings.CommunicationServices Communication Services (%).
EPF.Yahoo.SectorWeightings.ConsumerCyclical Consumer Cyclical (%).
EPF.Yahoo.SectorWeightings.ConsumerDefensive Consumer Defensive (%).
EPF.Yahoo.SectorWeightings.Energy Energy (%).
EPF.Yahoo.SectorWeightings.FinancialServices Financial Services (%).
EPF.Yahoo.SectorWeightings.Healthcare Healthcare (%).
EPF.Yahoo.SectorWeightings.Industrials Industrials (%).
EPF.Yahoo.SectorWeightings.RealEstate Real Estate (%).
EPF.Yahoo.SectorWeightings.Technology Technology (%).
EPF.Yahoo.SectorWeightings.Utilities Utilities (%).

Top 10 Holdings

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) Top 10 Holdings

All these formulas require a ticker and a position, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.Holdings.Top10.Name("VOO", 1) will return the company name with the largest holding in the VOO fund.

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.Holdings.Top10.Name Stock Name of Top 10 Holding.
EPF.Yahoo.Holdings.Top10.Symbol Stock Symbol of Top 10 Holding.
EPF.Yahoo.Holdings.Top10.Percent Percentage of Top 10 Holding (%).

Trailing Returns

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) Trailing Returns

All these formulas require just a ticker, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.FundYTDReturn("VFIAX")

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.FundTrailingTotalReturnYTD Trailing Total Return YTD.
EPF.Yahoo.FundTrailingTotalReturn1M Trailing Total Return 1 Month.
EPF.Yahoo.FundTrailingTotalReturn3M Trailing Total Return 3 Month.
EPF.Yahoo.FundTrailingTotalReturn1Y Trailing Total Return 1 Year.
EPF.Yahoo.FundTrailingTotalReturn3Y Trailing Total Return 3 Year.
EPF.Yahoo.FundTrailingTotalReturn5Y Trailing Total Return 5 Year.
EPF.Yahoo.FundTrailingTotalReturn10Y Trailing Total Return 10 Year.

Annual Total Return History

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) Annual Total Return History

This formula requires both a ticker and a year, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.FundAnnualTotalReturn("VFIAX", 2018)

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.FundAnnualTotalReturn Annual Total Return for specified year.

Quarterly Total Return History

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) Quarterly Total Return History

This formula requires a ticker, a year and a quarter, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.FundQuarterlyTotalReturn("VFIAX", 2018, 1)

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.FundQuarterlyTotalReturn Quarterly Total Return for specified
year and quarter.