Excel Formula Reference: Cryptocurrencies

The Add-in provides comprehensive coverage of live cryptocurrency prices, such as Bitcoin and Ether, via simple formulas.

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas Bitcoin Summary

All of these formulas require just a cryptocurrency code, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.Price("BTC-USD")

If you don't know the cryptocurrency symbol then you can use the search function on the Configuration Pane.

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.Price Current mid price.
EPF.Yahoo.DayChange Change in price today.
EPF.Yahoo.DayChangePercent Percentage change in price today.
EPF.Yahoo.PrevClose Previous market close price.
EPF.Yahoo.MarketOpen Market open price.
EPF.Yahoo.DayLow Day low.
EPF.Yahoo.DayHigh Day high.
EPF.Yahoo.52WeekLow 52 week low.
EPF.Yahoo.52WeekHigh 52 week high.
EPF.Yahoo.52WeekChange 52 Week Change in price (%).
EPF.Yahoo.MarketCap Current market capitalisation.